Art Early



Snax (Buccleuch Street), Friday 1st July, 11:11am

Free University of Marchmont (Warrender Park Road), Saturday 2nd July, 11:11am


Join the local indie rock “performance collective” (fka “a band”) Nice Church for breakfast to

discuss (amongst other things):

I) DIY Culture

II) Accelerationism

III) Poptimism

Music will feature, and so can you.

Art Early 1 will take place at 11.11am at Snax (Buccleuch Street) on Friday July 1st, whilst Art

Early 2 will take place at the main campus of the Free University of Marchmont (Warrender

Park Road) at 11.11am on Saturday July 2nd.

The central goal of this is to create a space in which to speak to one another and/or network.

Other goals are to produce wonky relational art, and to eat communally. Following on from the

Situationist Workers Tapes v Nice Church event at the Bargain Spot (RIP), we’re still in search of

common creative spaces in Edinburgh, seeking to eke out an existence on the margins of the

relentless pursuit of transient cool capitalist fashion (also known as the white spaces/black shop

fronts dialectic).

Kcur a.k.a Kieran Curran a.k.a Stanley Tucci a.k.a John Truckasaurus is a general artist

type (writer, musician, performer, lover). His work has been shown at Bargain Spot, the Glasgow

International, Edinburgh Science Festival and Leith Lates. He has a PhD in Cultural Studies, has

writen a book of cultural theory/history (Cynicism in British Post-War Culture) and taught at

Edinburgh University and ECA. He also has a melancholic cat named Charlie Murphy.

Further questions and corrections can be directed to

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